Eva, author of Bake-Street , brings us the secrets to making a delicious almond milk: a recipe that you will love to prepare at home for its simplicity, flavor and benefits for your health.

Almond milk is one of my favorite non-dairy milks, followed by hazelnut and cashew milk.

The first time I heard about them, it caught my attention, in fact I was already thinking about stopping consuming cow's milk due to all the contraindications it has, and I'm not referring to lactose.

I admit that the first time I tried almond milk I liked it a lot, but when I saw the amount of fruit it contained and, even worse, the amount of added sugars, I decided to go one step further and make it at home.

The result was spectacular , a white milk, with an incredible texture and an unbeatable flavor. The recipe that I share with you does not contain any type of added sugar but, if you prefer, you can sweeten it by adding a couple of dates, Agave syrup, honey or even banana.

In this way we put aside refined sugars and we managed to sweeten in a more natural way. We can also aromatize it with cocoa, vanilla...

how to make almond milk

Tellier squeezing mesh

It is a type of vegetable milk that does not contain lactose, gluten or cholesterol , which makes it a perfect element for people with intolerances. It has a high content of potassium, vitamins A, E, B1 and B2, it helps to improve gastritis or gastrointestinal problems, it is very rich in soluble and insoluble fiber, protecting the intestinal wall, combating osteoporosis and, in addition, regulating levels. of sugar and cholesterol.

This type of milk was already made in the Middle Ages and was called “amygdalate”. It was widely consumed in European countries to East Asia. It appeared in a medieval cookbook called "Viander" by Guillaume Tirel in the year 1375, dedicated to the chefs of the French kings Charles V and Charles VI.

In Taiwan, after the Chinese Civil War, it was a widely consumed type of milk, even more so than soy milk.

There really is nothing better than making your own vegetable milk at home, you control all the elements that interfere and we achieve that our body receives many benefits.

INGREDIENTS (for 1L of almond milk approx.)

  • 200 g raw almonds with skin
  • 900 g of water


  1. We rinse the almonds with water to remove traces of dust that they usually have naturally.
  2. We put the almonds to soak in water , we can use filtered water if you wish. We will add enough quantity to cover them. We will let them hydrate for about 8-12 hours, in this way it will be much easier to both process and digest them. If you are going to prolong the soaking for more than 12 hours, I recommend changing the water in these and keeping them in the fridge.
  3. Drain the almonds very well and wash with cold water.
  4. Add the almonds to a blender glass along with half the water, grind until a very pulverized texture is obtained .
  5. Prepare a large bowl and our Tellier juicer mesh . We pour the mixture inside the mesh, place the wooden ring and lower it to press the pulp well.
  6. With the wooden ring it will not be enough to get all the juice out: we will have to help each other with our hands and squeeze the mesh well so that only the almond pulp remains inside.
  7. Add the rest of the water and mix very well with a whisk .
  8. Pour the almond milk into bottles, preferably glass (you'll love the Bormioli ones for this purpose), and refrigerate for a maximum of 3-4 days.

mesh to squeeze tellier


  • Do not throw away the remaining pulp of the almonds, with it we can make spreadable creams, biscuits, cookies or even dry it to make almond flour.

  • It is likely that when it rests in the cold, deposits may appear on the bottom, even when it is poured through the mesh. This is normal, we just have to shake it before consuming it.

As you can see, making your own vegetable milk is very easy, you just need to soak the chosen fruit or seed for between 8-24 hours, process, strain and enjoy.

This Tellier mesh is very practical for making any type of vegetable milk. Its striking design not only has an aesthetic purpose, the ring helps us to press the fruit until the mesh is completely adjusted, instead of tying a knot. In addition, this allows us to place our hand on it, to hold the mesh, and squeeze with the other hand to extract the milk. In this way we will remove all the liquid until leaving only the pulp inside.

It washes very well under the tap, dries very quickly and you can easily store the folded fabric inside the ring.

how to make almond milk

This almond milk has nothing to do with the ones we can buy in stores, the taste is not even similar . In addition to the fact that we will have a greater presence of the fruit with which we have made it, we will be able to control the amount of sugar (or omit it completely) and chemical additives such as preservatives, additives... which are very harmful to our health.

Cheer up with her and tell us about your experience!

How to make hazelnut milk

If you try this almond milk and discover that making milk at home becomes your passion, you should know that you can prepare other types of vegetable milk. If you are enthusiastic about nuts for their flavor and benefits, you should know that hazelnut milk is also delicious and you can prepare it by following exactly the same steps that we have described for almond milk... Of course, you can also add cocoa, to give it a different touch and that will delight young and old.

how to make coconut milk

Like other vegetable milks, you can also make coconut milk. Either with whole fresh coconut or shredded coconut, making it is also very easy. You will see how to do it in this post .


Sílvia said:

Es igual de natural hace la leche con Almendra cruda ya pelada ?

Norma said:

Me encantó esta receta, gracias!!

Claudia said:

Hola Carmen,
Te recomiendo encarecidamente hacerla, verás qué rica! :) responiendo a tus dudas, el agua efectivamente debe ser agua limpia, embotellada o no pero nueva. En cuanto a los restos de almendra, como nos comenta Eva puedes secarla en el horno (bien extendida sobre una bandeja forrada) y una vez fría pulverizarla en un procesador y usarla a modo de harina, (ya sea de avellanas, almendras…). Puedes guardarla en un recipiente de cristal, asegurando que quede bien seca para evitar que salga moho o similar. La puedes usar para bizcochos, galletas, masa quebrada, sablée…
A por ello!! un saludo, C.

Carmen said:

Hola. Me encanta vuestra receta. Pero… tengo dos preguntitas.
- Entiendo que el agua en la que se tritura es agua limpia, no?
- Y, para aprovechar todo, los restos de almendras que quedan tras escurrir.. ¿se puede utilizar en algo?

Eugenia said:

Me dan ideas de que se hace con la pasta ?? Como hacer una crema untable para el rostro por ejemplo

Marisabel said:

Estupenda receta, la probaré y que tipo de bizcocho puedo hacer con la pulpa, tenéis alguna receta para aprovecharla?

Claudia said:

Oooh, me encanta la idea para dar un toque distinto, Tania! Lo probaré! Muchas gracias :)

Claudia said:

Qué bien, Maria José, me alegro que te guste. A ver si lo pruebas y nos dices el qué ;) Saludos!

Tania said:

riquisima! yo añado cardamomo, clavo canela y dátiles cuando pongo las almendras en remojo. A mi hijo le encanta.

M José Meyer said:

Me encanta vuestras recetas y consejos.
Estas vacaciones me pongo en marcha . Gracias

Eva {Bake-Street} said:

¡Buenos días Angeles!

Sí, puedes triturarlas con piel, no hay problema ;)

Tras el remojo y el enjuague posterior antes de triturarlas, les habremos retirado todo el ácido fítico presente (o la mayor parte). Esta parte del proceso es importante porque el ácido fítico actúa como inhibidor de nutrientes esenciales.

En agua con sal y tostándolas, también le retiraremos el ácido fítico, pero estos dos pasos no nos sirven para la leche de almendras puesto que las necesitamos crudas ;)

Angeles said:

Me parece estupenda esta leche de almendras, la voy a preparar a ver que tal.
Una pregunta, las almendras se trituran con la piel?

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