Beatriz, author ofTo Be Gourmet , brings us a delicious recipe: rice with vegetables and lamb. A very tasty dish that you will prepare very easily. Cheer up with him!

If there is something that I love about the Skillet , besides its aesthetics, it is its enormous versatility. I prepare a baked dessert the same way as a savory recipe, but I especially like to prepare risottos or rice dishes, like this one with lamb that I bring you today, with great flavor and character.

This lamb rice recipe is so easy to prepare that you can enjoy it both on a daily basis and on weekends with the family. This recipe is designed for 2-3 people, but you can increase the quantities without problem.

To make the rice I have used meat broth to bring out the flavor, but in its absence you can use vegetable broth (and ultimately, water).

Let's go with the recipe, I'm looking forward to showing you how sweet and tasty it is. You'll love it!

Mediterranean crystal glass , Le Creuset damascus steel knife , Le Creuset skillet pan and Bérard wooden spoon .


  • 250g of lamb (from the flank)
  • 300g of rice
  • ½ onion
  • 1 leek
  • 100g of green beans
  • 750ml of meat broth
  • a few strands of saffron
  • extra virgin olive oil


  1. In our Skillet we sear the lamb in a little olive oil until it is golden brown. We reserve it.
  2. In the same oil, sauté the onion and the leek into very small pieces and the green beans cut into julienne strips and in half.
  3. When it is soft, add the lamb again and add the rice.
  4. Sauté a bit and pour in the meat broth, add the saffron, salt and let it boil for a quarter of an hour over medium heat.
  5. When all the broth has evaporated, cover for 5 minutes with a kitchen towel and then serve.

Le Creuset skillet pan and Le Creuset damascus steel knife .

A very simple rice dish to prepare and very sweet thanks to the fat provided by the lamb. A round plate!



Merche said:

Hola! Vaya pinta tiene este arroz! Una pregunta, no me gustan ni la cebolla ni el puerro y es una lastima porque todas las recetas de guisos suelen llevar una base de cebolla rehogada y es por eso que nunca me ánimo a hacerlas. Hay algún ingrediente por el que se pueda sustituir la cebolla/puerro? Por ejemplo calabacín? Sé que os lo pongo difícil:) Muchísimas gracias por las recetas y lo cuidado que está el blog. Es preciso!

Rosa said:

Una pregunta es que veo que en La foto tienes romero , es para decorar o para añadir es que no lo he visto anotado en los ingredientes .
Muchas gracias

Claudia said:

Hola Carlos, me alegra que las recetas que has probado nuestras te hayan gustado!! Que siga siendo así :)
En cuanto a tus preguntas, puedes echarla toda de golpe, y es mejor que lo hayas calentado previamente. Un saludo!

Carlos said:

Hmmmm… Pintaza que tiene esta recete, de esta semana no pasa sin que la haga. Sólo tengo una duda, ¿el caldo o agua lo echamos todo del tiron o poco a poco como un risotto? y en cualquiera de los dos casos ¿este debe de estar caliente?. Muchas gracias por las recetas de las que ya he hecho muchas y siempre triunfando ;)

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