On my list of basic and essential recipes, pancakes are definitely on the list. They are super easy to prepare and you can combine them in so many ways that, whatever you have in the fridge or pantry, you will find something to prepare a delicious breakfast.

What we bring you today is the basic recipe for making pancakes. We give it a sweet accompaniment that makes this recipe the king of Sunday breakfasts... Although it is certainly worth enjoying them during the week too!



For the pancake batter:
  • 215gr of flour
  • 100gr of sugar
  • 3gr of baking powder
  • 3gr of sodium bicarbonate
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 425ml of milk
  • 1 egg
  • 55gr melted butter
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla
To decorate:
  • 75gr of blueberries
  • 75gr of raspberries
  • 250ml maple syrup (you can substitute it with honey)


Maple Syrup Pancakes Recipe

Le Creuset cappuccino cups and Le Creuset nonstick frying pan


  1. In a bowl , mix the flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda and salt. Then add the milk, egg, half of the butter and vanilla. Mix gently until all the ingredients are combined.
  2. Brush a large non-stick frying pan with melted butter and heat.
  3. Using a ladle , pour a portion of batter the size of the pancake.
  4. Cook until bubbles appear on top, about 2 to 5 minutes, then flip the pancake over to cook the opposite side. It is best to turn it firmly with a scraper (not metal, so as not to damage the pan).
  5. Serve with blueberries, raspberries and a generous amount of maple syrup.


  • The first pancake won't be perfect, but it will teach you how to make them. You'll see that the second one will turn out much better! (The third one will give you the title of "Master").
  • You can stack the pancakes on a plate as you make them. Cover them with a cotton cloth to keep them warm until serving.
  • Pancakes alone are boring. The beauty of the dish is in the accompaniment, which makes it a tasty and appetizing combination. So be generous with the syrup, honey, chocolate, caramel or whatever you decide to adapt the recipe with, and enjoy!

Pair the pancakes with a nice cup of tea or coffee. It will be a great way to start the day!


Claudia Ferrer


Ana Elma said:

Deliciosas!!!!! Las hice hoy para merendar y me quedaron buenísimas, se las comieron en un pispas.Una receta de 10. Muchas gracias ☺️

Mercedes said:

Riquísimas, por favor publica la receta de cómo hacer sirope de chocolate para estas tortitas.

Muchas gracias


José Recetas said:

Que buenísima pinta. Un saludo.

Anba Badia said:

Deliciosas!!!!! Uuuuhhhmmmm…de las mejores que he provado!!! Receta perfecta!!
Què maravilla de Pancakes!!

Franca said:

Muy buenas, me encantan tus recetas y me gustaría probar las tortitas también, me puedes decir que tipo de harina usar? De trigo normar de fuerza o de repostería? Soy un poco novata en esto y necesito mas aclaraciones … Muchas gracias


Martina said:

Mmmmmm, que pinta mas buena.
Las haré este finde.
Tengo otras recetas, pero probaré con esta.
Mil gracias.
Feliz fiesta local.

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