There are many lemon cakes, but this lemon and almond cake is one of the most liked at home. I also prepare it with a quick and simple lemon glaze , which apart from finishing it better in presentation, enhances its lemon flavor even more.

It is a gluten-free cake recipe, since I use almond flour and cornmeal, ideal for all those looking for alternatives to wheat cakes.

It is worth noting the importance of almond flour in its dough: it not only contributes to making it a gluten-free cake, but the flavor of the almond makes it an aromatic cake in itself, with that characteristic fruit flavor dry, which combined with the acidity and freshness of the lemon tastes delicious. I hope you are encouraged to try it at home! You will tell me if you liked it as much as mine.

Gluten-free lemon and almond cake

Emile Henry tall ceramic mold


  • 110 g Corn flour (Maizena)
  • 110 g almond flour
  • 80 g white sugar
  • 50g brown sugar
  • 9 g yeast (gluten-free)
  • 50 g light oil*
  • 50 g milk (at room temp.)
  • 4 eggs
  • Lemon zest
  • Juice of 1 lemon
  • 1 tsp ginger
  • Butter to smear the pan

*You can replace it totally or partially with La Tourongelle almond oil , to further enhance the almond flavor.

For the glaze:

  • Juice of 1 lemon (I have incorporated 32 ml)
  • 90g icing sugar

Gluten-Free Lemon Shortbread Recipe with Frosting


  1. In a bowl, mix the cornmeal, almond flour, white and brown sugar, and yeast.
  2. Grate the lemon and squeeze all its juice.
  3. In KitchenAid bowl, beat eggs on speed 6, until fluffy. Add the oil in a thread, continuing to beat.
  4. Go down to speed 4, and incorporate a few tablespoons of the mixture of dry ingredients that you have prepared in point one. Once it is well integrated, add the milk in thread.
  5. Add the rest of the flour and sugar mixture, continuing to mix.
  6. Mix the lemon zest, lemon juice and the tablespoon of ginger, and incorporate them into the dough.
  7. Preheat the oven to 170 ºC, and prepare the Emile Henry tall ceramic mold , smearing the base and sides with butter. Pour the cake batter into the mold.
  8. When the oven is at temperature, insert the mold in the middle / lower part of the oven. Bake 50 minutes, or until you see it's done with the Nordic Ware Cake Thermometer .
  9. Remove from the oven and let cool on a wire rack.

Prepare the easy lemon glaze:

For the glaze, simply mix the lemon juice with the icing sugar with the help of a mixer spoon , and you will have the coverage ready. When the cake has lost its temperature, pour the icing on it. Reserve a little for serving time, guests love to add a little more when they have it on the plate.

Trick! Before pouring the glaze over the cake, prick the cake several times with a toothpick, all over its surface and going into the interior of the cake, so the lemon glaze penetrates the cake and enhances its lemon flavor.

Gluten-free almond and lemon cake recipe


Isabel said:

Se podría hacer con la misma cantidad de harina de trigo? Soy alérgica al maíz
Muchas gracias

Amelia said:

Muchísimas gracias por ayudarnos con recetas sin gluten.
Los celíacos somos los gran olvidados

Lola said:

Si se hace en horno convencional, cuál sería la temperatura, altura de la rejilla y tiempo de cocción, por favor?

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