A few days ago Emile Henry has presented a new saucepan. It is called "Faitout" , and into English it has been translated as "One Pot". They have called it that to summarize everything it means: it is designed to cook all the recipe that you are going to prepare in it. She is fabulous!

The truth be told: I fell in love with it just by looking at it, because it has a beautiful design: elegant, traditional, with round lines that give it warmth... But when I discovered the way to work with it, I ended up loving it. You will see how it hooks you too! (and at the end I leave you a recipe with it that you will love).

To design the Faitout casserole, Emile Henry was inspired by traditional cooking of cereals (rice, couscous, millet...), legumes and pasta. In addition, Emile Henry proposes us to use the Faitout technique with this saucepan, hence its name.

The Faitout technique consists of cooking the entire recipes with the saucepan, avoiding the use of other utensils in parallel (which would be the traditional way of doing it), maximizing flavor and in record time.

Casserole Faitout Emile Henry

To try to be more explicit, I can say that there are many recipes that, using the traditional technique, you would prepare using a lot of utensils: a pot to boil the rice, pasta or legumes, a pan to sauté the vegetables, another to heat the sauce, a saucepan to boil the broth... The idea of ​​the Faitout technique is to cook all the ingredients together (yes, even the water used to boil the rice).

What is the Faitout?

The main objective of the Faitout casserole is to maximize the flavor using a single utensil and to minimize the preparation time of the recipes. For this, there are some important tips to use it that will surely come in handy:

  • Choose the basic ingredient: rice, lentils, quinoa, bulgur, beans, pasta... Choose the base ingredient of your recipe and add the amount of water that ingredient requires to be cooked.
  • Within the cooking time that the main ingredient requires, we must have incorporated the rest of the ingredients. Surely you already know where the shots are going now, right?
  • If you want, you can substitute the water you require (or part of it) with meat or vegetable broth , to maximize the flavor.
  • Next, prepare and incorporate the vegetables you want in the recipe: zucchini, squash, tomatoes, peppers, broccoli, sweet potato, carrot, asparagus... Be creative! Think about the color, flavor, contrast or homogeneity you are looking for in your recipe.
  • When choosing food, it is important to keep in mind that the faster the main ingredient cooks, the more quick-cooking vegetables you should choose, and vice versa.
  • You can also play with the type of cutting you do: you can cut the vegetables into large cubes so they take longer to cook, or into small pieces to ensure they cook well in case you have less time.
  • You can also add small pieces of chicken, chorizo, or other ingredients, such as fish and shellfish . It all depends on your cravings!
  • Spices are also welcome! If you fry onion in the Faitout before adding the rest of the ingredients, you can also add the spices at that point, and they will play their role throughout the cooking process. Or you can choose to add them at the end.
  • You can also add aromatic herbs: basil, chives or cilantro to spice up the recipe in no time.
  • Seeds and nuts can also be great: cashews, walnuts, hazelnuts, pumpkin seeds... They will add some crunch to your recipes.
  • If you plan to add cheese, cream, or another sauce , wait until all the ingredients are cooked before adding it.
  • A word of caution: Be careful with ingredients that absorb water, such as raisins, dried apricots, dried tomatoes, and other nuts. You can certainly add them, but the recommendation is to add a little more water than the main ingredient requires, because these ingredients will take some of it away.

A recipe in the Faitout to inspire you!

Pasta with salmon and spinach

Preparation: 5 minutes
Cooking time: 20 min. approx.

Tagliatelle with salmon recipe in Faitout

Ingredients for 4 people):

  • 350g linguine pasta
  • 125g fresh spinach
  • 150g smoked salmon
  • 8 prawns
  • 1 onion
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 200g Crème fraîche or cooking cream
  • 4 sprigs of dill
  • 750ml water
  • Freshly ground salt and pepper
  • Parmesan to decorate


  1. Peel and cut the onion and garlic cloves into small pieces.
  2. Wash the spinach and chop the dill.
  3. Cut the salmon into strips.
  4. Place all the ingredients (except the cream) in the Faitout and season to taste.
  5. Add the water.
  6. Cover and cook over low/medium heat for 20 minutes, stirring regularly. Add the prawns 10 minutes before the end of cooking and the cream 5 minutes before. Stir well.
  7. Serve hot with a few Parmesan flakes.

** You can also put less cream (150 g) and replace with 3 tablespoons of olive oil.
** For a more exotic flavor, add a piece of ginger at the beginning of cooking and lime juice to taste. Garnish with finely chopped coriander.
** Smoked salmon can be substituted for chicken or pork. Put the meat in the freezer for half an hour to harden it and be able to cut it into thin slices.

Advantages of the Faitout Saucepan

  1. You cook the entire recipe in a single utensil.
  2. It is perfect for all kinds of cereals, legumes and pasta (Do you know how many recipes you can make with it?).
  3. You gain time.
  4. It is very clean, since one utensil is enough (and also, it is an easy-to-clean utensil).
  5. It is perfect for day to day.
  6. It is suitable for fire (gas and vitro) and can also go in the oven.
  7. It is made with high-quality Emile Henry ceramic which, apart from not scratching and offering a 10-year guarantee, provides excellent heat distribution for good cooking of recipes.
  8. Its design is absolutely charming (Don't tell me no!)


Begoñs said:

Se puede usar con una cocina de vitrocerámica?

Claudia&Julia said:

Hola Xavier,

Teóricamente si, dado que es cerámica como la de los moldes o los hornos para pan de esta misma marca. aunque no podemos sugerir las medidas de los ingredientes para obtener una buena cocción ya que no hemos tenido ocasión de probarlo. No podemos confirmar la cocción perfecta del interior de la masa si se pone demasiada cantidad.

Muchas gracias.

Xavi said:

Hola, ¿se puede hacer pan en el horno con esta cacerola? Gracias

Claudia said:

Hola Conchi, lo lamento pero por ahora no podemos ayudarte… No mandamos aún a Canarias, y por otro lado no sabemos de ninguna otra tienda que la haya incorporado aún (es un recién lanzamiento de Emile Henry y creo que hemos sido pioneros en su introducción en España). A ver si pronto la encuentras en las tiendas de Tenerife… Lo lamento, un saludo!

Conchi said:

Donde podria comprarlo? vivo en santa cruz de Tenerife

Claudia said:

Hola Montserrat, me temo que no. La Faitout puede ir al gas, vitro o al horno, pero es cerámica 100% y no contiene en su base ningún metal para inductar. Lo lamento, saludos!

Montserrat Abadal said:

Quisiera saber si la cacerola también es compatible con fuego de inducción

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