This delicious and original recipe was made by our friend Stéphane Poussardin in the Claudia&Julia showroom, We Love Cooking. Stéphane is a good friend who has a beautiful space in Barcelona ( L'Atelier d'Stéphane ) where he offers creative market cooking workshops and tasting menus for small groups.

The recipe can be made with any mild-flavored mushrooms that are in season, or with mushrooms or shitakes if mushrooms are not in season. It is an ideal recipe to cook with our Le Creuset cast iron cocotte .


(for 4 people)

For the cocoa cappuccino

  • 100ml of cream 35%
  • 2g bitter cocoa powder

For the mushroom cream

  • 300 gr. mixed mushrooms or mushrooms
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 1 sprig of rosemary
  • 1 Figueres onion chopped
  • 1 liter of vegetable broth
  • salt and ground pepper

For the prawns

  • 4 fresh prawns
  • 1 egg white
  • 60 gr chopped hazelnuts
  • 2 Tbsp mild oil
  • Salt


For the mushroom cream:

Sauté the onion with the garlic and rosemary in the saucepan. Then put the mushrooms, sauté and wet with the broth. Let cook for about 15 minutes, pass through the blender, season with salt and pepper. It should have a creamy texture.

For the prawns :

Peel the prawns leaving the end of the tail, make a cut on the back and remove the gut. Dip the prawns in the raw egg white, followed by the chopped hazelnuts. Reserve.

Dish assembly:

Serve the hot cream in deep plates. In the center of the plates, place the prawns coated with hazelnuts, previously passed through the pan. Whip the cream with the blender and with the help of a spoon put the whipped cream on the plate. Finally we will pour a little cocoa powder over the cream.


Jesús said:


Me ha gustado la receta, pero tengo una duda, ¿los langostinos son a la plancha? es que precisamente estoy mirando planchas en y me gustaría probarla con esta receta, pero no quiero liarla haciendo los langostinos de la forma que no es.

Muchas gracias!

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