If you think that some lentils with vegetables are a want and I can't, you are very wrong. Especially if those lentils are beluga or caviar, the amount of vegetables is considerable and the container in which we cook them is our Every cocotte . Small but bulky. With all this we set some beluga lentils stewed with carrots and pumpkin full of flavor.

A great set for when it's cold, one of those that makes you want to repeat every week. Equally rich in hot seasons, which is just a matter of serving it less hot, period. In addition, since it only contains vegetables, it is much lighter than traditional lentils with all their sacraments. We cannot ask for more.

INGREDIENTS (for 4 people)

  • 3 garlic cloves
  • 1 medium onion
  • 1/2 red bell pepper
  • 2 ripe tomatoes
  • 2 carrots
  • 1/2 small pumpkin
  • 250g beluga lentils
  • 1 bay leaf
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • Salt
  • ground black pepper
  • Water


1.Prepare all the vegetables before starting to cook and reserve them in separate bowls.

  • Peel and grate the garlic cloves.
  • Peel and chop the onion finely.
  • Wash the pepper and cut it into small squares.
  • Grate the tomatoes or crush them with a hand blender. Strain so that there are no traces of skin or seeds.
  • Peel and cut the carrots into 1 cm thick discs.
  • Peel the pumpkin and cut it into pieces the size of the carrots.

2. Cover the bottom of our Every cocotte with extra virgin olive oil and fry the garlic, onion and red pepper until tender.

3. Add the tomato and sauté for 5 more minutes.

4. Next we add the black pepper along with the chopped carrot and sauté again for a couple of minutes.

5. Add the beluga lentils, the bay leaf, cover with water and bring to a boil. Lower the heat when they begin to boil, cover and cook over low heat for 10 minutes.

6. Finally add the chopped pumpkin and continue cooking over low heat until the lentils are tender, another 10 minutes or so.

7. We watch the cooking at all times because lentils absorb a lot of water and we may have to add more at some point.

8. Season to taste when the lentils are tender and ready to serve.

Author of the recipe: Carmen de Tía Alia


Mar said:

No se cuecen bien las verduras con esos tiempos. La lentejas muy cocidas y las verduras muy duras.

Ana said:

Cuánta agua?

Claudia said:

Disculpa Nieves, es la pimienta negra, lo corregimos, gracias!! disculpa las molestias. Media cucharadita.

Claudia said:

HOla Clara, verás que ricas salen sguiendo la receta tal cual! Un saludo!!

clara said:

hola!! que pinton!!! no pone nada de remojo, entiendo que las lentejas beluga no necesitan remojo? gracias!!! la hago seguro!!!

Nieves said:

Buenos días, cuanto pimentón se echa? No lo he visto en los ingredientes. Gracias

Nieves said:

Buenos días, cuanto pimentón se echa? No lo he visto en los ingredientes. Gracias

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