Cooking papillote basically consists of cooking thanks to the steam and the juices retained in a wrapper that is applied to the food. It is a technique that works great on fish, vegetables and soft meats (such as poultry).

You can do this wrapping that cooking in papillote requires with aluminum foil, with parchment paper, with silicone utensils made specifically for that purpose or, as I wanted to show you today, in a ceramic papillote like Emile Henry's .

Before continuing to talk about the ways to cook en papillote, I would like to clarify that the technique of papillote is a very old technique. It is a very simple and quick way of cooking to apply , and with which you obtain truly exquisite results: you are left with juicy and flavorful food , since all the aromas and properties of the food are retained within the packaging in which it is placed. they are cooked

That being said, I must say that I think the results are not the same depending on how you make that cooking wrap: cooking inside aluminum foil, or using silicone utensils, I don't think it's the healthiest way to cook, given the contact direct use of these materials with food at very high temperatures . I think that is the main reason why so many people pay attention to this papillote of Emile Henry.

The ceramic papillote is an effective tool in the papillote technique, providing great cooking and being free of toxic materials for health. In addition, it is very easy to clean and, something that you will love: you can use it without a lid as a roasting tray . You have just seen a multitude of uses in this papillote, right?

But today what concerns us is a delicious recipe for cod en papillote, so here we go!

Papillote ceramic fountain Emile Henry

Papillote ceramic fountain Emile Henry

Ingredients (for 6 people)

  • 2 cod fillets (around 800 g)
  • 250g ricotta
  • 100 g of dried tomatoes
  • 100 g of spinach sprouts
  • 200g cherry tomatoes
  • 150 g pearl onion
  • 3 tablespoons olive oil
  • Salt and pepper


  1. Preheat the oven to 200ºC.
  2. Clean the cod fillets under cold water and then dry them with a kitchen towel. Chop the sundried tomatoes into small cubes and wash the spinach leaves to chop them next.
  3. In a large bowl , mash the ricotta with a fork. Add the dried tomatoes and spinach.
  4. Lightly grease the base of the Emile Henry papillote dish with a little olive oil. Place a cod fillet and cover it with the previous mixture of ricotta, dried tomatoes and spinach. Place the second cod fillet right on top. You can tie them with rope to cook (in the video you will see a very practical way to do it).
  5. Wash and dry the cherry tomatoes and peel the onions.
  6. Place the onions around the cod and pour a little olive oil over the cod and the same onion.
  7. Put the lid on the papillote and cook in the oven for about 25 minutes. Right halfway through baking, you can open it up to add the cherry tomatoes.


  • The dried tomatoes will provide more intensity in flavor (you already know that fish can otherwise be bland), and will make the recipe really rich. But for this very reason we do not recommend adding too much salt to the ricotta, dried tomato and spinach filling, because the tomatoes already provide salt.
  • To prevent the cod fillets from falling apart, you can tie them with cooking string .
  • The Emile Henry ceramic papillote does not scratch, so you can cut and serve directly at the table, and that papillote will look beautiful on the table. Besides that it will retain the heat for a long time, so you won't have to suffer if the second course gets cold, you will see that you eat it warm even if it seems that time is running out on the table. Enjoy!

Cod en papillote recipe with ceramic dish Emile Henry


Mayte said:

El pescado sale perfecto y muy jugoso. El recipiente papillote cerámica es una inversión estupenda y el pescado se prepara en un momento.

Mi duda siempre es la misma ..
Horno: “Arriba y abajo” o “solo abajo”

Alicia said:

Yo lo hice ayer…….. buenísimo. Incluso me he comido los tomates, y eso que no me gustan…. pero estos secos tienen un sabor totalmente distinto. Enhorabuena x el blog, me encanta leeros y me habéis enganchado a la cocina con estas recetas tan buenas. Besos

José Pérez Sanchis said:

Creo que es un error quitarle la piel al bacalao, al ser un pescado graso que se encuentra bajo la piel, sale más jugoso con ella.

Lamberto Villalón said:

Donde puedo conseguir el recipiente para cocinar con esa tecnica

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