Apple pie is a classic, but today I give it an extra point without adding effort: this apple puff pastry has extra spices and jam in the background that makes it delicious. A perfect recipe for easy apple pie but something different from the traditional recipe.

You already know that a puff pastry tart is a quick and easy way to serve a delicious express breakfast, a side dish at coffee time or an afternoon snack. If you are short of time, like me today, who had a picnic but had no time, opt for this delicious and easy apple pie with jam and spices. Delicious and very quick to make!

Spiced Apple Pie


  • Always keep a puff pastry or shortcrust pastry in the fridge - it will always save you when you are lazy and don't want complications, when you have little time to prepare something for a picnic or to make a quick savory cake for an express dinner.
  • In this apple pie I have not put any order in the fruit segments, that's why I call it "wild spiced apple pie" (because of that mess and that rustic and daring touch, thanks to the intense flavor of the spices). But if you prefer those neat, perfect-looking pies, it's as easy as placing the apple in neat, overlapping rows, with patience and time. If this is how you prefer it, I recommend using a kitchen mandolin for perfect homogeneous cuts.
  • I have used rectangular puff pastry, you can also make it round, or use shortcrust or empanada dough , if you have one. Success is assured!
  • The amounts of the ingredients are indicative. Sprinkle the sugars and spices to your liking, but above all be generous , it is the grace of this cake.


  • 1 sheet of puff pastry
  • 3 golden yellow apples, firm but not green.
  • 3 generous tbsp raspberry or strawberry jam
  • 4 generous tablespoons brown sugar
  • 4 tablespoons of Panela
  • 2 tablespoons of Cinnamon (or to taste)
  • 2 dessert spoons of Ginger
  • 1 dessertspoon of Nutmeg
  • Juice of half a lemon
  • egg to brush


  1. Preheat the oven to 190 °C.
  2. Peel and roughly cut the apples (turn the apple and cut slices along half a centimeter thick), and place the apple slices in a large bowl.
  3. Add the juice of half a lemon and mix to impregnate all the segments.
  4. Pour 3 tablespoons of brown sugar and panela. You can also add white sugar or replace everything with panela... Sweeten to your liking, but the use of a good panela is interesting because it provides many nuances . Mix and add a few more spoonfuls of sugar and/or panela if you see that it is a bit lacking to homogenize.
  5. Add 1 tablespoon each of the cinnamon, nutmeg, and ginger and mix again, being careful not to break the apple. Booking.
  6. Spread the puff pastry onto a Naturals Nordic Ware baking sheet or perforated sheet pan.
  7. In a bowl or a cup, heat the jam for a few seconds in the microwave, and stir so that it is diluted and liquid. If necessary, add a few drops of water.
  8. With a pastry brush, brush the entire puff pastry with the jam, leaving a finger on the unbrushed edge.
  9. Arrange the spiced apple on top, in order or in disorder as I have done (arrange the apple to your liking, but that it is well covered and there are no gaps).
  10. Sprinkle one more tablespoon of panela or brown sugar and one of cinnamon on top.
  11. Brush a little on top of the apple with the leftover jam.
  12. Tuck the edges of the puff pastry in and prick them with a fork.
  13. Brush the edges with beaten egg.
  14. Place in the oven, at medium/high height at 180/190 °C. In about 25 minutes you will have it ready -remove it when the dough is done and the apple looks soft.

Apple puff pastry tart with jam and spices

The nuances of panela and spices, together with the contrast with the jam, make it a delicious apple pie! I hope you cheer up with her. You will tell me!

Note: Remember that if you make this or other recipes on our blog, you can share it with the hashtag #cocinarconclaudiaandjulia. So we can see and share them. You will find us at @claudiaandjulia .
Claudia Ferrer


Araceli said:

Me gustaría saber si se pueden preparar tartas y bizcochos sin azúcar y, a ser posible sin edulcorantes, solo con el dulzor de las frutas que se utilicen.

Julia said:

Se ve estupenda. Provaré a ver qué tal me sale. Gracias por compartir. Saludos.

Rosa said:

Soy fan de la tarta de manzana i de la pasta brisa. Esta receta me parece genial- Muchas gracias.

Zoii said:

Me encantan todas las recetas que suben en verdad, yo las leo en conjunto con este blog y se me super facilita combinar técnicas se los dejo si quieren darse una vuelta

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