I think you will be surprised to see how quickly you can make the richest, sweetest homemade rice milk with the perfect creaminess to enjoy with each sip. This rice milk recipe is made with raw rice , without prior cooking, and it is very tasty! We are also talking about a 100% natural milk, 100% vegetable and without added sugars. Do you want more reasons to prepare it at home in a few minutes?

Rice milk is one of the most popular non-dairy milks out there. As it is made from a gluten-free cereal, it is ideal for celiacs and unlike other common vegetable milks, such as almond or cashew milk, rice milk is ideal for people who are allergic to nuts.

It also does not contain lactose, and is ideal for those who want to take care of the digestive system with this slow and soft digestion seed.

To follow the recipe and make rice milk, as well as any other vegetable milk, I strongly recommend using the Vegan Milker , the ideal tool to make a perfect emulsion of milk , and to be able to squeeze all the juice and strain immediately. . Easy, most effective and clean, I think that if you still don't know the nickname "21st century mesh" you will be delighted to discover how easy and effective it is.

How to make rice milk

Rice milk qualities

  • Rice milk is a vegetable milk
  • It is lactose-free milk, so it is suitable for lactose intolerant
  • Gluten-free milk, suitable for coeliacs
  • Suitable for intolerant to nuts
  • Ideal for people with a sensitive stomach
  • It is a low fat milk
  • With high nutritional values, rich in minerals such as potassium, phosphorus and magnesium.
  • It is free of sugars* (we make this recipe without added sugars; in other recipes or in commercial milks it could contain them)

What kind of rice to use to make rice milk

To make the recipe you can use all kinds of rice, from the basmati type to round, long, red rice... In fact, I encourage you to try the recipe with different varieties of rice each time - it's a good way to discover the subtleties in flavor and how you like it best. You can even use brown rice.

Does the rice have to be pre-soaked?

This question is interesting, because it is actually a very personal topic. Surely and once again, it will be a personal choice.

The best thing to do is to soak the rice for about 4 hours before making the milk, to hydrate it and soften it, both for crushing and for extracting its flavour. In case of using brown rice, it is important to soak it for at least 8 hours.

Having made these recommendations, in case of using round, basmati, long (not integral) rice..., you can also make the milk without soaking it beforehand, we know of many people who do it like this and the result is great, although it is not recommended to be able to clean the rice well and hydrate it.

Rice Milk Recipe

Ingredients (for the basic recipe of 1L of rice milk):

  • 100 g of rice (of your favorite variety, either round, long, integral...), raw
  • Some lemon zest (about the size of a dessert spoon, without the white part of the zest)
  • a pinch of salt
  • A pinch of ground cinnamon
  • 500 ml mineral water, hot (about 90ºC) + 500 ml lukewarm water

    1) Preparation with the Vegan Milker (see video below):

    1. Ideally, soak the rice for 4 hours before preparing the milk (8 hours if using brown rice). You can use the same jar with a lid as the Vegan Milker.
    2. Put the raw rice in a strainer or in the mesh of the Vegan Milker, and pass it under tap water to finish cleaning it. Drain, discarding all the water it releases, we only intend to clean it.
    3. In the Vegan Milker container, put 500 ml of hot water (very hot, almost boiling).
    4. Insert the Vegan Milker mesh with the rice into the glass with water, and also add the piece of lemon peel and the pinch of salt. Enter the mixer and beat continuously. You can use the turbo function, if you have it.
    5. When you see it well beaten (the rice no longer clicks and the mixture is liquid), add the rest of the water (the other 500 ml at room temperature) and beat for a couple of more minutes, you will help the milk to finish emulsifying and remain smooth and creamy.
    6. Remove the juicer, and lift the mesh glass, removing it from the liquid but keeping it above the Vegan Milker glass with the milk you have obtained. With the help of the mortar, filter all the liquid (introduce the mortar and lift it several times inside the mesh, to drain the crushed rice well).
    7. You already have your rice milk ready! Consume immediately, or cover it, let it temper and store it in the fridge for up to 4 days.


    Vegan Milker, from Chufamix

    Step by step to make rice milk (resolves all doubts!):

    2) Preparation of rice milk without the Vegan Milker, with cotton mesh:

    1. After the soaking time, wash the rice with the help of a strainer, and transfer it to a bowl.
    2. Add the hot water, the lemon zest, the salt and the cinnamon and blend with an electric mixer until obtaining a smooth and smooth texture (you will see that the rice no longer snaps and the mixture has changed its consistency).
    3. Add the rest of the water and continue beating for a couple of minutes.
    4. Now you need to filter the milk obtained. To do this, place a clean, filtering cotton cloth on top of a tall jar or bowl, held at the top by a rubber band or string (so that the cloth acts as a "lid" for the container).
    5. Pour the milk into the container, passing through the cloth. You must go little by little, so as not to saturate the cloth and give it time to filter the milk. You have just filtered all the liquid and carefully remove the cloth.
    6. You already have your rice milk ready. Enjoy immediately or transfer to a bottle and keep closed and in the fridge for up to 4 days.

    recipe variations

    Rice milk can be bland, so flavoring it is most important: that's why the lemon, salt and cinnamon in the previous base recipe are so important!

    But you can make variations to that recipe, either to give it a more intense aroma or to explore and discover a different rice milk. To do this, try other ingredients.

    Some options to vary the original recipe are:

    • Add lime, instead of lemon.
    • Add more amount of lemon.
    • Add ginger, either powdered or fresh.
    • Sprinkle cinnamon when serving.
    • Try a pinch of turmeric.
    • Add a pinch of nutmeg
    • Follow the same basic recipe above, but try another type of rice.

    When you get used to making vegetable milks at home, the truth is that there is no going back. Each milk has its what, both when it comes to making it and enjoying it, and it is wonderful to discover and share and savor it.

    If you are curious about other vegetable milks, you can download the book Your Vegetable Milks . I hope you enjoy it as much as me!

    I strongly invite you to try making this rice milk at home. And without a doubt, I also encourage you to try the Vegan Milker -since it came into the house, I get a lot of use out of it (not only for milk but also for making sauces), and making vegetable milk has become the easiest task (and clean! No more having to clean the cloth mall!).

    About Chufamix Vegan Milker -You have to discover it!

    If you were not familiar with the Vegan Milker, I think you should pay attention to what we have to tell you: it is a tool that is revolutionizing the way of making vegetable milk at home, because it makes it super easy and clean, and it helps you to make an emulsion of the milks (and sauces, and horchata, and coffees....!) absolutely wonderful.

    For this reason, I invite you to see the Vegan Milker here , and discover what we are talking about in this very visual and explanatory video:

    Vegan Milker® by Chufamix from Claudia&Julia on Vimeo .


    Mario Z said:

    No entiendo porque hay que tirar el agua donde se deja en remojo los cereales. Entiendo que haya que lavarlos previamente bien, pero si estamos utilizando cereales bio, ¿dónde está el problema de utilizar ese agua en la receta? Lo digo desde la impresión de que en ese agua estarán concentrados muchos elementos valiosos de los cereales y que tirarla supone un desperdicio de ellos.
    Todo desde mi ignorancia…

    Claudia said:

    Pruébalo, Carlota! Verás qué riquísima. Gracias!!

    Carlota Malé said:

    Hola, qué interesante!

    no me había planteado nunca hacer leche de arroz,¡Y menos que fuera tan fácil! Y lo de Chufamix, menudo invento!! Yo lo tengo desde hace un año, empecé con la horchata y leche de almendras y va genial. He hecho ya otros tipo de leche (el que más amenudo hago es el de avena, es también super fácil y queda riquísima), ¡¡Y voy a probar ahora con esta receta de leche de arroz!! Grcias!

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