Roasted potatoes have become very popular, since they are perfect to accompany all kinds of dishes (they are suitable for both meat, fish and vegetables), they are extremely easy to prepare, and they are delicious!

There are many ways to prepare roasted potatoes, but today we want to talk about how to prepare perfect roasted potatoes . The traditional way of preparing them is playing at a low temperature and for a long period of time, and what you are looking for is to get a tender and tasty potato, with well-roasted skin .

To achieve this, traditionally clay pots designed to cook delicious potatoes, chestnuts and vegetables have been used. Emile Henry has based on these traditional casseroles to bring us what they have called Potato Pot casserole, and its results are fabulous.

roasted potatoes with the potato pot

Potato Pot Potato Roasting Pot Advantages

The Potato Pot is a high-quality ceramic casserole, which is based on a double kettle: its base and its lid are identical, spherical, they distribute the heat smoothly and evenly and allow slow cooking at low temperatures, without the need for water. nor fat . It's time to go back to basics!

The great advantage of the Potato Pot is that it cooks the food retaining all the flavor inside ( it is truly natural cooking ) and its gentle cooking helps you to obtain very tender potatoes and vegetables inside and with a well roasted skin

All this with minimal complications : all you have to do is put the potatoes whole and unpeeled in the casserole, add some kind of seasoning if you like (herbs, garlic, salt, pepper...) and put the casserole on the heat. . You turn it every 15 minutes, and the potatoes are roasted, until you get a tender and tasty body and a well-roasted skin.

Below we leave you a recipe to prepare roasted potatoes with a touch of garlic and bay leaf, and with a side sauce that you will love.

Other benefits and properties of the Potato Pot

  • Apart from potatoes, this casserole allows you to prepare delicious vegetables , tender and with all their flavor, and also in a really simple way (you can see another recipe for vegetables further down in this post).
  • With this casserole you are getting two wonderful ceramic casseroles to use independently : both parts can go on the stove (vitro or gas) and in the oven, so in them you can also make roasted meats and fish, stews, stews... The only thing What you should keep in mind is that in these cases you usually will not cover the pan or if you do, you will not turn it, and that the bottom of the pan is not smooth (the ceramic makes a small relief or groove), so you will need a little more than oil or juice so that your food is in contact with it (although the relief is minimal).
  • Despite what it may seem, it has a lot of capacity but does not take up excessively (it measures 24cm in diameter by 16cm high), and you can store it with the lid inverted one inside the other.

potato pot Eile Henry

Baked potato recipe with the Potato Pot, with cheese and onion dip

Ingredients (for 6 servings)

  • 2 kg large unpeeled potatoes
  • 2 garlic cloves (unpeeled)
  • 1 bay leaf

To serve with the potatoes:

  • 200 grams of white cheese
  • 1/2 bunch of chives
  • 1/2 bunch of parsley
  • 1 shallot
  • fine salt
  • a pinch of chili powder
oven roasted potatoes


  1. Wash the potatoes and place them whole and unpeeled in the Potato Pot.
  2. Add 2 garlic cloves and the bay leaf.
  3. Close the pot and put it on the heat* at low power. After 5 minutes, you can increase to medium heat.
  4. After 15 minutes, turn the casserole on itself (do not open it), using the handles designed for this purpose.
  5. Keep turning the pot every 15 minutes until the potatoes are done (about an hour and an hour and a half, depending on how slow you have allowed the cooking according to the firepower). After that time you can open the casserole without any problem, and check with a toothpick or fork that the potatoes are already tender.

*You can put the Potato Pot in the oven and roast the potatoes there, proceeding exactly in the same way as on fire.

To accompany the potatoes, we will prepare a cheese cream that will combine wonderfully and will be perfect for "dipping": you only have to chop the onion, parsley and chives and mix them with the white cheese; add the salt and the chili and mix everything (for all this you can use an electric mixer or the chop-chop grinder ).

When serving, open the cooked potatoes while still hot and arrange a spoonful of the cheese sauce that you have prepared on top of or next to the potatoes, or in a ramekin .

Oven Roasted Vegetable Recipe with the Potato Pot


  • A fennel bulb
  • 6 carrots
  • 2 onions or shallots
  • Rosemary, Provencal herbs or assorted spices to taste
  • Oil
  • Salt
  • pepper (optional)

*You can substitute vegetables and vegetables for the ones you like the most: pumpkin, potato, beans, broccoli, leek, zucchini...

roasted vegetables with potato pot


  1. Peel and coarsely chop the fennel and carrots, and place them in the Potato Pot.
  2. Peel and quarter the shallots, and add them to the casserole as well.
  3. Sprinkle the herbs and spices on top.
  4. Season with a little salt and, if you wish, also pepper (not much, roasted vegetables are delicious in their own natural flavor).
  5. Dress with a scant drizzle of oil.
  6. Put the Potato Pot ceramic casserole on the fire or in the oven, first on low heat and you can raise it to medium heat after 5 minutes. Go turning the casserole every 15 minutes (you can use a timer to alert you).
  7. You will see that after an hour or an hour and a quarter approximately the vegetables are tender and really tasty. You can serve them directly to the table in the Emile Henry casserole (if you keep it covered, the vegetables will stay warm for a long time).


Irene Ferrer said:

Quiero consultar si la potato pots sirve para cocinas de inducción?

ajeebmedia said:

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Claudia said:

Hola Eduardo,
Ante todo quiero agradecerte tu comentario. La verdad es que hemos insitido mucho a Emile Henry de que necesitamos los recetarios e instrucciones en español también, y lo van haciendo poco a poco, pero en muchos casos aún no están disponibles.
Por eso intentamos resolver dudas o compensar esa falta del fabricante a través de estos posts.
en cuanto a tu petición, como comentamos en la página del producto Potato Pot, cada cazuela que la conforma es una cazuela cerámica de grandísima calidad, y en ella podéis cocinar cualquier receta que haríais en las tradicionales cazuelas de barro o incluso en cocottes. Podéis hacer recetas de horno tipo asados o guisos, o recetas al fuego, como son fabadas y otros platos de cuchara… Te dejo con algunos ejemplos que podríais hacer:

Espero que éstas os ayuden a ver sus posibilidades, y sobretodo animar a tu compañera a sacarle todo el partido!
Saludos y de nuevo gracias, Claudia

Eduardo said:

El tema es que me gusta mucho la cocina, y por ende todos los accesorios que veo, y creo, que pueden ser útiles. Mi compañera, cocina maravillosamente y aunque me deja ayudarle bastante no es así con las comidas más complicadillas. Hace unos dos meses aprox. pedí un producto que me entusiasmó, tengo que decir que mi pareja no es muy amante de utensilios, tiene casi de todos y dice que no quiere más, pero yo sigo siendo un embaucado empedernido de lo más revolucionario y por eso los pido. El producto es “Potato pot”, no tiene ni idea de su precio. El tema es que solo se acompaña por un manual de instrucciones en inglés y francés, de los cuales no tengo ni idea. Esperaba que al ser un utensilio de un valor un poco alto, al menos viniera acompañado de un recetario para él, y no es así. Bien lo que creo, es que sería interesante incluir algún foro sobre las posibilidades de este utensilio, es para mí una decepción ver que sólo hemos cocinado con él, unas patatas y unas verduras, y como consecuencia ,lo tiene abandonado y creo que hay muchas más posibilidades, pero para ello tengo que convencerla de que así puede ser. Gracias Atte.

Claudia said:

Hola Violeta,
Puedes hacer ambas recetas en la cocotte, pero teniendo presente que el hierro reseca más y el resultado será distinto. De hacerlo en cocotte te recomiendo que pongas un fonde de aceite para que no se peguen, y también que lo hagas a fuego lento para que queden lo más tiernas posibles y no asadas por fuera y crudas por dentro. Con estos dos puntos cubiertos, obtendrás unos vegetales al horno que seguro que están ricos.
La diferencia con el potato pot reside sobretodo en el material: la cerámica es más húmeda, y de aquí estos resultados tan ricos (aparte de no requerir de tanto aceite).
Ya nos contarás! Saludos!

Violeta said:

Esta misma receta se podría hacer con la Cocotte?

Claudia said:

Hola Antonia, me temo que el potato pot no es apto para inducción. En todo caso se debería usar con un disco para inducción, aunque no lo acostumbramos a recomendar. Puede usarse en gas, vitro o en el horno. Saludos!

Antonia said:

Me gustaría saber si se puede utilizar en placa de inducción.
Muchas gracias y feliz año a todo el equipo.

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