Gastronomic space "We love cooking"

Those of you who follow our Facebook page will have seen photographs and small bits of information that mention the “We love cooking” showroom .

I know, I had to present it properly, so I am going to dedicate this blog post to this little corner that every day has me more excited.

Inspired by Claudia

It all starts a long time ago and it is that at home, our family has always been linked to the world of household and kitchen utensils. So when I decided to launch the Claudia & Julia project, we wanted to include only those products that for us also meant a lifestyle and a way of cooking that allows us to rediscover our origins, with those laborious processes, with traditional smells and flavors. . I am passionate about traditional gastronomy, although I am always willing to let them surprise me.

traditional kitchen

And looking to experiment a bit, to find a space that would be a meeting point for all those who love cooking , and many times with demanding palates, I decided to open the “We love cooking” showroom.

Household and kitchen utensils

The space allows us to demonstrate products applied to surprising recipes by great professionals that I will present to you shortly. In this space, only quality products are exhibited, made with materials that take care of health and that have that special magic that restores the pleasure of cooking.

So the idea took shape and in a "don't think about it anymore" we jumped into the pool and opened a month ago. The day we opened the doors we were able to share our excitement with friends and family and enjoy the exquisite live aperitif that Stephan Poussardin gave us.

Live aperitif by chef Stephan Poussardin

He and other collaborators will visit us periodically and offer interesting cooking demonstrations to the public , they will provide ideas, secrets, tricks and recipes that will leave us amazed. And each one has something special.

Stephan is a French cook, specialist in traditional recipes from his country. Collaborator of the firm " Le Creuset ", he also has his own project " L'Atelier de l'Stephane ". He brings us the latest trends and soon he will delight us with a class on the uses of the siphon. It will bring us new ideas and another vision of this corseted kitchen utensil, freeing the imagination and opening horizons beyond the cream. ** Don't miss her latest recipe .

collaborator of le creuset

Our latest additions are Àngels Pallàs, who has run a cooking school in Manresa for almost 20 years . Together with MºAngels Arroyo they will carry out cooking demonstrations. We have high expectations as both are delicious.

Claudia&Julia cooks and collaborators

Next week they will come to prepare us some wonderful tartlets. Don't worry, we'll tell you all its tricks and secrets in our recipes section. Very attentive to Facebook!

** For those interested in visiting us, we are at C/ Bruc 74 in Manresa (Barcelona)

Claudia Ferrer


Susana said:

Buenas tardes, soy una apasionada de la cocina y me encantaría ir a clases para aprender cosas nuevas! Me gustaría mucho recibir información sobre qué cursos hacéis!

Dolors Aloy said:

Jo estic encantada amb les vostres classes. Estan ben organizades i són de qualitat en un lloc molt acollidor.

M’agraden tant les dolces com les receptes salades i amb preferència, m’agraden i busco classes de cuina saludable o temàtiques, com les dels làctics, batuts, etc. etc. Llàstima que m’he hagut de perdre classes interessants pels horaris, sinó leds hauria fret totes!!

Felicitats i que continueu així!!

Dolors Aloy said:

Jo estic encantada amb les vostres classes. Estan ben organizades i són de qualitat en un lloc molt acollidor.

M’agraden tant les dolces com les receptes salades i amb preferència, m’agraden i busco classes de cuina saludable o temàtiques, com les dels làctics, batuts, etc. etc. Llàstima que m’he hagut de perdre classes interessants pels horaris, sinó leds hauria fret totes!!

Felicitats i que continueu així!!

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