Cómo mantener y afilar nuestros cuchillos de cocina

How to maintain and sharpen our kitchen knives

It is important to take care of a kitchen knife since we use it continuously for any recipe that we are going to prepare. Also, if you know how to maintain and recover the edge, a good knife can be in the kitchen for a lifetime. That is why it is worth having good knives, but also knowing how to take care of them.

¿Qué tabla de cortar comprar?

What cutting board to buy?

It is important to choose a good cutting board in the kitchen, it is worth taking good care of the knives and also working on a surface that is comfortable for us. Today I would like to talk to you about some important concepts when choosing a board and how to take care of it correctly.

De Buyer, mucho más que sartenes de hierro

De Buyer, much more than iron pans

Many of you are already familiar with De Buyer iron pans. They are pans that, as we have always said, will last you a lifetime, being at a more than reasonable price. The quality of these pans is appreciated just by holding them, appreciating their weight and the thickness of the iron plate with which it has been formed; In addition, its long handle makes it comfortable to work with in the kitchen and its beeswax finish gives it a natural protection that is also valued.

Ideas para sacar todo el partido a tu crepera

Ideas to get the most out of your crepe

A few days ago, a friend asked me for information about the pancakes that we have in the store. She told me that her daughter had ordered one for Reyes, since lately she was very fond of crepes because one of her grandparents made them every week.
Receta para preparar tu Roscón de Reyes en casa

Recipe to prepare your Roscón de Reyes at home

A very special day is approaching, Three Kings Day. It is special for children, because of the gifts that the three wise men will have left them; and special for the family, since there are many who take the opportunity to celebrate that day together. And on that table there will be no shortage of desserts: a traditional roscón de Reyes!
Fondue de queso (auténtica receta suiza)

Cheese fondue (authentic Swiss recipe)

The fondue is an ideal gift: it is a very nice utensil that you can use both on a day-to-day basis -when you don't feel like big complications and just want to enjoy yourself-, as well as in meetings with family and friends, the fondue being an element that invites to share and have fun with the family.
Ideas para regalar

gift ideas

Joy takes over me when December arrives. Christmas is approaching, a date that I love: thinking about family meals, those meals that sometimes end up as dinners, and also seeing the illusion of the children when they wake up and run to look next to the tree.

Cómo hacer mantequilla casera

How to make homemade butter

Making your own homemade butter is as easy as having fresh liquid cream and 10 or 12 minutes. Nothing more. No additives or preservatives. Surely you are curious to see how you can do it, because enjoying the delicious butter that one has prepared in the morning makes the day start doubly happy!
Cuchillos de cocina (III): los cuchillos japoneses

Kitchen knives (III): Japanese knives

In recent years we have seen how Japanese kitchen knives have become very popular in Spain and Europe in general. Although I am not a big fan of Japanese knives, I understand the interest they have aroused, as they provide different characteristics to European knives and some models are really interesting.
Guía de utensilios básicos para la cocina (II)

Guide to basic kitchen utensils (II)

The other day I was telling you about what utensils are  the basics and essentials when it comes to equipping a kitchen, and which are also basics to take into account when it comes to renewing the utensils that one has. You can see the post here .
El día internacional del bundt: el bundt cake day

The international day of the bundt: the bundt cake day

November 15th is the day millions of Americans take their bundt pans to work, because it's Bundt Cake Day, International Bundt Day. This date has become popular in an unimaginable way in recent years (in fact, Bundt Day is such a success that its celebration has also reached here in Spain), and in this post I will tell you a little about this day and why. there are so many people who are passionate about bundt pans and the beautiful cupcakes you make with them.
Guía de utensilios básicos de cocina

Guide to basic kitchen utensils

Many times clients who want to equip a kitchen or want to update their utensils, but do not know where to start, call us or write to us. There really is so much variety and specialization of the necessary utensils for a kitchen , that sometimes it can be a difficult task to decide what is the priority and also what is essential.